WIP: Choosing An Army Part 2

What did I choose?
When I first started doing my research, I only wanted to concern myself with what the models looked like. If I thought they were cool looking and had a nice paint scheme then that would be good enough for me. I started looking at all the different army types over at Games Workshop's website and the two that stood out were Space Marines and Witch Hunters. I was really gravitating towards the Witch Hunters.

The more research I did, the more I realized I'm going to eventually have to play with whatever army I chose. So, I started looking for game related things concerning Witch Hunters. I found this post over on Warseer. It talks about rating the armies in regards of how difficult they are to play for a new person starting the game. It seems that most people rated Space Marines, Necrons, Choas Space Marines, and Orks somewhere in their top 5 of easiest to play for beginners. Witch Hunters were always near the bottom. I decided not to go with Witch Hunters because of that and instead go with something in the top 5 from that post.

I started looking at Space Marines next. They were great looking models, but seemed a little generic. They weren't really grabbing me as they were before. So, I started looking at Chaos Space Marines. Now that was more like it. They didn't have a generic look, lots of spikes and other strange things. Also, the possibility of using demons. Seemed like a lot of diversity with CSM, I liked it. To be fair though, I took a look at the Orks. I wasn't so sure about Orks in Space, seemed kind of strange to me. I guess I'm just used to Orks only being in fantasy settings. The more I looked at them though, the more they grew on me. I was back to two, but I was leaning heavily on CSM.

What, more choices?
After deciding to go with CSM, it looked as though I needed to pick a specific Legion. I looked through all the legions of the CSM and tried to decide based on the paint scheme and their role in the game. I liked the look of the World Eaters and Black Legion the most. After reading some of the game mechanics I decided I liked Black Legion the best. The only problem I had was that the paint scheme seemed really basic. My friend Hoder pointed out to me though, that you don't have to go with straight black as you can see here of Matt Birdoff's BL army. I'm going to try to incorporate some deep purple or dark blue into mine when I paint them.

I did find out later on though, that you could mix different legion units in one army with the new Codex. That's a relief, as I think I'd tire of painting black all the time. Speaking of the codex, I'll be picking that up on the next budget, as well as some basic modeling tools. See ya then.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Bah! Traitor Legion!

    I look forward to facing you on the battlefield.