WIP: Chaos Marines, Assemble!

I've finally gotten started on some modeling. I started assembling the box of Chaos Space Marines I purchased last week. I've decided to only put six together so far, as I have plans to magnetize the other four. Hopefully, I will get started on that magnetization project later this week.

Putting together Space Marines is really pretty simple. There's basically eight steps to doing it and Games Workshop has an instruction page on it that you can find here. The eight steps are:

Step 1: Glue the legs to the base.
Step 2: Glue the torso halves together.
Step 3: Glue the torso to the legs.
Step 4: Glue the weapons to the arms.
Step 5: Glues the arms to the torso.
Step 6: Glue the head to the torso.
Step 7: Glue the shoulder pads to the arms.
Step 8: Glue the backpack to the torso.

That's all there is to it. I made a tutorial video of me putting mine together. It's not much, I just wanted to get my feet wet with Windows Movie Maker more than anything.

There are a few things to remember. Try to clean up any flash or mold lines before gluing the pieces together. It's okay if you miss a few, it's just easier to do before the model is completely put together. You can see that I missed a few on the arms and weapons.

That's it for this week. I'll see you next week with a new budget article. Hopefully sooner if my magnetization project comes together.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for putting together this blog!

    I'm getting back into 40k for the first time in several years and its really neat to see it all laid out like this.

    I don't have any of my old stuff and a lot of your posts have been great reminders.

    Keep it up!