Warhammer 40k on a Budget


Hi, I'm Kosh and welcome to my little korner of the world. This blog is about starting and getting into the miniature strategy tabletop game, Warhammer 40k. I'm going to be starting from scratch, while on a budget. I know almost nothing about the Warhammer 40k back-story, building and painting miniatures, or playing the game itself. This is going to be a great journey for you, the reader of this blog, and me.

Like I said, I know very little about Warhammer 40k. I have painted a few minis about 10 years ago. I used to play Dungeons & Dragons and a friend of mine had some unpainted minis. I offered to paint a few for him, even though I knew absolutely nothing about painting them. Needless to say, they came out terrible, although I had a lot of fun in the process. I'm going to try to learn as much as possible about painting minis, as well as all the other aspects of this hobby, and I plan on recording my adventures here in this blog. I'm hoping to go from something like this:

To something like Doug Jones' Gold medal Golden Demon award winner:

I know, I know, I have high ambitions. It's going to take some patience, time, and talent to paint something that great. I'm hoping to find that I possess all three of those traits.

Being that this is going to be on a budget, it's going to take some time to work into certain things. My plan is to start out with buying the necessary supplies for modeling and painting. From there, I'll move onto the actual modeling and painting. Eventually, I'll get into the gaming aspect of the hobby. It may be as long as 6-8 months before I get into the gaming portion, so please have some patience with me.

The Budget

Let's talk about the budget. I get paid on a bi-weekly basis, and like most families, my family and I are on a tight budget. I get $100 every two weeks as "blow" money, or an "allowance" if you will. That's money I can spend on whatever I like, disposable income. That doesn't mean all $100 will go towards Warhammer 40k every pay period. I also use this money to buy coffee, lunch out once in a while, and other boring and mundane things. Also, I'm an avid video game player, once in a while I'll need to drop $60 on the latest "must play" video game. This is going to leave the budget at anywhere from $40-$100 every two weeks. I think that will be plenty as long as I have some patience.

This Friday (Jan 18th) is payday. I'll see you next week, when I delve into, Space: The Final Frontier - Creating a Place to Paint.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    People seem to forget that gaming is only too expensive when you buy everything at once. $50 a month should be more than enough to buy a box + supplies. By the time your done painting last month's figures, you'll be ready for next month.

    I've been tracking all my hobby expenses for more than a year now. Really lets me get an idea of how much I'm spending (or not spending).

  2. Unknown Says:

    Good luck, Kosh. I'll be following your adventure and progress with interest. I applaud your ambition! That's a great goal to strive towards.

  3. El Grego Says:

    Looking forward to the next installment!


  4. Kosh Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement, everyone.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    I like what you're doing with the budget. The first thing that most people do when they start playing is buy a ton of stuff and get overwhelmed with how much they have to paint. Then they don't enjoy it, even though it should be a lot of fun. Kudos!!! Anyway, it was really nice meeting you and getting to play. Let me know if you need anything!

  6. Blake O'Brien Says:

    tight budget? that is not a tight budget, i get paid on a zero weekly basis, of $0 every week.
    I have a growing Eldar army running purely on money from my birthday a Christmas, one birthday, one Christmas, 1500 points of Eldar (when stretched), you should do fine.